ALS 101 - Rhodes

MLA Style Guide and Examples

The Modern Language Association uses the MLA Handbook to provide guidelines on MLA Style, which is the citation style you will be using in this class to format your papers and cite your sources. Included on this page are important documents and links that will help you to use MLA properly.

New MLA 9 rules state that the citation should NOT include http:\\ 

For example, should be changed to


Additional Support

·The CSN Centers for Academic Success is offering online tutoring to CSN Students through Brainfuse.

Brainfuse offers free online tutoring, writing services and homework assistance 24/7.  Certified Brainfuse tutors provide live, on-demand tutoring and assignment help in a variety of subjects. Brainfuse tutors meet students where they are at in order to effectively help students of all skill levels. To access services, students can log into their GoCSN account and then into Canvas. Students can choose a listed course on the left and then click on Brainfuse Online Tutoring.

For more information, watch the video below: