Decolonization involves identifying colonial systems, structures and relationships, and working to challenge those systems. It is not “integration” or simply the token inclusion of the intellectual achievements of non-white cultures. Rather, it involves a paradigm shift from a culture of exclusion and denial to the making of space for other political philosophies and knowledge systems. It’s a culture shift to think more widely about why common knowledge is what it is, and in so doing adjusting cultural perceptions and power relations in real and significant ways.
"How to Create a Culturally Inclusive Syllabus and Course," the web document where this topic is discussed in detail and from which these suggested books come, is available here.
For a powerful perspective from an Indigenous voice embedded in the other side of the “decolonizing” concept, please read Bri Alexander’s story poem entitled “Frames.” In this work Bri Alexander (City University of New York, Graduate Center) reflects on the phenomenon of linguistic framing and its oft-harmful effect on BIPOC communities,” published in the AAALGrads Newsletter (American Association for Applied Linguistics) Fall 2020 issue.
This is a resource in progress, so please don't hesitate to contact me if you have titles to suggest.
"Culturally-relevant education (CRE) refers to a framework created to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in the education system and to decolonize our pedagogy. Numerous books that deal with culturally-responsive teaching and culturally-relevant pedagogy in some form have been written, some recommendations include:"
Selections from the below titles might be relevant for classroom use.
This guide and the titles compiled here are the work of Dr. Nicolette Cagle and her many faculty and student collaborators within the Nicholas School of the Environment & the Duke Marine Lab.
In addition, robust support was provided by leadership in DUL's Collections Strategy, Jeff Kosokoff and Collections Specialist Deirdre McCullough