Introduction to Disability Services (MHDD 110) - Thomas

Choosing your Topic

Advocacy and Activism
Aging and Disabilities
Education and students with disabilities
Health Care for persons with disabilities
History of disabilities
Technological advances and disabilities


1. Choose an area of interest from the above subjects. Maybe it has personally affected you or someone you know. Perhaps this is a topic that is being talked about in the news or that you heard about in one of classes and would like to learn more about it.

2. Narrow down to a topic within these subjects. For example, "History of Disabilities" is too broad for a 1000 word paper but "the impact of learning disabilities on college athletes in the United States" might be more manageable for this assignment. Try using the following questions to guide you:

  • Who? Is there a specific population you are interested in? (age group, gender identity, socioeconomic status, type of disability, etc.)
  • What? What are some key issues related to this subject?
  • Where? Is there a specific state or country you want to focus on? Are you interested in a specific location such as high school, hospitals, government? Are you planning to research rural or more urban environments?
  • When? Are you interested in comparing today (2020s) to ten years ago or focusing more on one time period?
  • How? Are you looking through a historical, psychological, legal, economical, or other lens?
  • Why? What are some causes and effects of the topic you are interested in? 

If you are unsure what to write about within your subject of interest, browse for ideas on Google or use the databases on the Finding Sources or the Databases tab.

3. Email your topic to your instructor!