ANTH/SOC 205 - Thomas

CSN Libraries Catalog

Books are more comprehensive than articles, though they may not be as up-to-date. Books can help you build a foundation of knowledge on a subject or provide multiple points of view. Reference books give you a shorter, less comprehensive summary of your topic and are a great place to start your research. CSN Libraries Book Search.

Finding Books in the CSN Library Catalog

catalog icon - blue book on grey backgroundCSN Libraries Catalog: CSN Students can find eBooks and physical books through the CSN Libraries catalog by using the following link: Find Books. Searching by keyword such as "biology" will find current holdings across our three campus library locations. 


request it iconCSN Libraries InterLibrary Loan: CSN students can request books, journal volumes, journal articles and other materials, regardless of whether it is available in the CSN Libraries, online or in libraries around the world. A free service!  CSN InterLibrary Loan.