The Moth: Occasional Magic - OBOC Common Read

One Book One College - Common Read

The One Book/One College program at CSN strives to foster a sense of community, creativity, and conversation through the mutual study of a common reading.

Faculty of all disciplines are invited to teach the book (or parts of the book) in their courses, and students and staff are invited to attend the many events related to the book.

The One Book/One College program at CSN strives to foster a sense of community, creativity, and conversation through the mutual study of a common reading.  Our goal is to unite students, faculty, and staff from all CSN campuses in the contemplation of the selected reading. The committee is comprised of faculty from many different disciplines.  We are also part of the First-Year Experience program, seeking to engage new students with relevant and accessible books. Our goal is to promote literacy and cross-disciplinary discussions.

This year CSN, Nevada State and UNLV are coming together to read different editions of The Moth and collaborating in storytelling events as many students transfer between all of our institutions and this could be a shared commonality between them. 

NSHE Common Read


The Moth - Wikipedia

The Moth 

The Moth story and series originated in 1997 by George Dawes Green and the name comes from his memories associated with where he grew up in Georgia! He shares that neighbors would gather nightly to talk on porches while moths flew in through the screens toward the light.

The Moth group focuses on storytelling and wanting to share and recreate feelings and experiences that people have in their lifetimes. Carefully selected by the creative minds at The Moth, and adapted to the page to preserve the raw energy of live storytelling, OCCASIONAL MAGIC features voices familiar and new. Alongside Adam Gopnik, Krista Tippett, Andrew Solomon, Rosanne Cash, Ophira Eisenberg, and Wang Ping, storytellers from around the world share times when, in the face of challenging situations, they found moments of beauty, wonder, and clarity, shedding light on their lives and helping them find a path forward.

Audio versions of The Moth Presents: Occasional Magic

Many of these links have not only audio files but also have to written transcripts and video files.

Put your curry down, Sweetheart

The Pain of the Jump is Nothing

This Place is Bold, This Place is Brave

On the Other Side of that Wall

It's Messy, But It Works

The Wattage of Our Inner Light

We'll Come with Lions

Instruction/Reference Librarian

Profile Photo
Gracie McDonough

NSHE institutions also reading The Moth

Nevada State University and UNLV are also reading different versions of The Moth. You can view their library guides to find out more below.


Where can I find this book?

Copies of The Moth: Occasional Magic can be found at all three CSN library locations. It is a course reserve and can be checked out for two hours at a time and cannot leave the library.


Moth Connections Across NSHE

Nevada State and UNLV are also engaging with The Moth! Check out these other Library Guides and resources on the various ways you can engage with The Moth.





CSN & NSHE Moth events

CSN's Fall 2024 Convocation

One Book One College's Collaboration with NSU and UNLV

Aug 23, 2024 
09:30 AM - 10:00 AM America/Los Angeles 
MS TEAMS CSN-Fall 2024 Convocation

Registration for Convocation Information Session on THE MOTH


The Moth Podcast 

The Moth Podcast features re-airs of all new episodes of The Moth Radio Hour. Episodes are released every Tuesday. You can subscribe via your favorite podcast app!