Movie Title. Directed by Director Name, performances by Primary Actors/Actresses, Film Studio or Distributor, Release Year. Streaming Service, URL if available.
Jurassic Park. Directed by Steven Spielberg, performances by Sam Neill, Laura Dern, Jeff Goldblum, Universal Pictures Studio, 1993. Netflix,
“Title of Video or Film.” Title of Database, Publication Date. URL.
“Taboo: Blood Bonds.” Films on Demand, 2004.
Creator(s). “Title of Video.” Title of Website, uploaded by Username, Date of Posting, URL. Accessed Date.
ABC15 Arizona. “Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton Meet in Phoenix.” YouTube, uploaded by ABC15 Arizona, 29 June 2016, Accessed 12 Nov. 2016.
Often with videos from the open web, there will be no creator listed. Omit it.
“Take 5 to Care: Las Vegas Great Santa Run 2016.” Youtube, uploaded by FOX5 Las Vegas, 14 Nov. 2016, Accessed 9 Dec. 2016.
Title of Film. Directed by Director's Name, Film Distributor or Studio, Year of Release.
Dimming the Sun. Directed by Duncan Copp, Nova/WGBH and BBC, 2006.
If you want to emphasize a specific performer or director, begin the citation with their name.
Hart, Kevin, performer. The Secret Life of Pets, Universal Pictures, 2016.