BUS 101 + MGT 235, 283, 367 & 423 – DeClouette

Resources for research in Business classes.

This guide contains a select number of databases and journals from the CSN Libraries. Discover more resources by searching across many library resources, search for more journals by business subject areas, or review the A-Z list of available databases. Contact a librarian for additional assistance or use the library chat service for immediate assistance. 

Library Resources

Business Source Elite database

Business Source Elite database

Search topic keywords; put more than one word in quotations to narrow down search results.

ProQuest Business database

ProQuest Business database

Search topic keywords; put more than one word in quotations to narrow down search results.

Gale Virtual Reference Library database

Gale Virtual Reference Library database

Narrow down results to the business subject area.

Statista database charts

Statista database charts

Statistics, industry forecasts, and comprehensive dossiers across business industries.


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Torri Kellough
6375 W Charleston Blvd
Las Vegas, NV 89146,
Building I